Sunday, February 24, 2013

Quick update!

Wow! Things have been happening here and I realized I haven't done a very good job of keeping everyone posted. Sooo, here's the latest:

1) We tried re-introducing citrus, and that seems to be going well-no big changes. However, we've also added in white rice and oats over the past couple of months. I thought he was doing okay with them, but I have noticed that we're back to jumping up and down like a rat terrier when excited or anxious, and he's reverted back to stick figure drawing whereas he was doing full detailed artwork before the re-introduction. So I'm secretly (to avoid more protests) weeding it back out of the cupboards to where we just have those on occasion. When it comes to grains, it just seems like grain-free is his best bet.

2) He is still having the headaches that he began having way back when we started this. We thought that maybe he's had them all along from the inflammation, or that it's from all the new pathways being opened up, but through research and friends have discovered that he is sensitive to salicylates. These are chemicals found in plant immune systems. They cause a host of problems in sensitive people. In N, it seems to mainly be overly ruddy cheeks and headaches. Most plant and veggies are high in them (sigh), but since we switched to very little almond products and only golden delicious apples, and eliminated dried cranberries and raisins (some of the most common offenders), he has said that his headache is mostly gone and his redness is much better. He still is a light rosy pink in the cheeks, but really, I could care less. When he gets older and takes a little more concern and ownership in this whole thing, he can deal with that. I am having to pick my battles after all!

3) In the NIDS yahoo group, I have gleaned a lot more ideas for things I can try on my own while waiting to see the doctor. (Btw, we're still holding strong at #12 on the list. ) One test is 10 days on/10 days off of ibuprofen to help with the inflammation. We are going to begin that tomorrow and see if we find any difference with that regiment.

4) Finally, on my part, I had bloodwork ran last week, and my thyroid is functioning again!  I am in the normal range completely off of the synthroid, AND my insulin resistance is not problematic any more! I am off the metformin, and my blood sugars looked perfect! Praise God! Plus, a lot of the issues I've dealt with for all of my adult life with PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrom) are resolved! It's crazy; all those years I fought going gluten-free for myself, but when it comes to my kid I didn't only go gluten-free, but grain-free and am personally so much healthier for it! What a knucklehead I was to fight it for so long!

Okay, I think that's it for now. Nighty night everyone!